The No-Cost Thirty Year Fixed Rate Mortgage

The No-Cost Thirty Year Fixed Rate Mortgage There really is no such thing as a “no-cost” mortgage loan. There are always costs, such as appraisal fees, escrow fees, title insurance fees, document fees, pro...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

The Advantages of Different Types of Mortgage Lenders

The Advantages of Different Types of Mortgage Lenders What kind of lender is “best?” If you ask a loan officer, “What kind of lender is best?” it is going to be whatever kind of company he work...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Which ARM is the Best Alternative?

Which ARM is the Best Alternative? How would you like a mortgage loan where you did not have to make the whole payment if you did not want to? Or would you like a loan with an interest rate about one percent below a t...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

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