
What is a FICO Score?

What is a FICO Score? FICO stands for Fair Isaac & Company and is the name for the most well known credit scoring system, used by Experian. The credit bureau’s computer evaluates a complete credit profile an...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

FICO Score – a Brief Explanation

FICO Score – a Brief Explanation When you apply for a mortgage loan, you expect your lender to pull a credit report and look at whether you’ve made your payments on time. What you may not expect is that th...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Which ARM is the Best Alternative?

Which ARM is the Best Alternative? How would you like a mortgage loan where you did not have to make the whole payment if you did not want to? Or would you like a loan with an interest rate about one percent below a t...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Closing Costs When Buying or Refinancing a Home

Closing Costs When Buying or Refinancing a Home This is a detailed summary of costs you may have to pay when you buy or refinance your home. They are listed in the order that they should appear on a Good Faith Estimat...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info, Residential Real Estate Listings

The Biweekly Mortgage – Who Needs It?

The Biweekly Mortgage – Who Needs It? Have you received an advertisement offering to save you thousands of dollars on your thirty-year mortgage and cut years off your payments? With email “spam” beco...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Documenting Your Assets – Verifying Your Down Payment

Documenting Your Assets – Verifying Your Down Payment When buying a home, it is not enough to just “come up” with the money. With the exception of “no asset verification” loans, lenders w...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Your Savings and Down Payment

Your Savings and Down Payment Your First Step Toward Buying a Home When preparing to buy a home, the first thing many Homebuyers do is look at “homes for sale” ads in newspapers, magazines and listings on ...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Mortgage Info

Creative financing

Creative financing Creative financing: You’ve heard of it, and, as a seller, the idea sounds pretty attractive. But, do you know everything you need to know about carrying back a second; essentially, about becom...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Seattle Title & Escrow

Title Insurance When Refinancing Your Loan

Title Insurance When Refinancing Your Loan Lower interest rates have motivated you to refinance your home loan. The lower rate may save you a tremendous amount of money over the life of the loan, but you should also e...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Seattle Title & Escrow

Title Insurance Requirements for Insuring Trusts

Title Insurance Requirements for Insuring Trusts In today’s world of busy probate courts and exorbitant death taxes, the living trust has become a common manner of holding title to real property. The following m...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Seattle Title & Escrow