Seattle Houseboat News

Mayor McGinn to Work With Houseboat Owners

BREAKING NEWS: Mayor McGinn to Work With Houseboat Owners After 3 long years of negotiations, testimonies, extensive letter writing campaigns, and numerous meetings, houseboat owners may be able to breath a sigh of re...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Houseboats in Seattle, Lake Union Real Estate News, Real Estate News, Seattle Houseboat News, Seattle News

Keria Knightly

Shhhhhh! Yes, Miss Keria Knightly news was true, for the month June through July 8th, 2013 she rented a fabulous floating home on Lake Union in Seattle!!! The secret was well kept! Special Agents Realty and Special Ag...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Lake Union Real Estate News, Real Estate News, Seattle Floating Homes, Seattle Houseboat News, Seattle News

Linda & Kevin Bagley Radio Interview About Houseboats & Floating Homes

Ben Brashen with KKNW 1150 interviewed Linda and Kevin Bagley on 6-19-2013, owners of Special Agents Realty and Special Agents Houseboats on his show Brashenomics. The interview provides an excellent overview of the d...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Buying A Floating Home, Buying A Houseboat, Houseboats in Seattle, Seattle Floating Homes, Seattle Houseboat News, Seattle News

Houseboat-Housebarge Update from Special Agents

  Dear Special Agents Subscriber (fellow live-aboard)! The Seattle Shoreline Management Plan (SSMP) has been approved by the Seattle city council and has been forwarded on to the Department Of Ecology (DOE) for r...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Seattle Houseboat News

Houseboat Lending Program Suspended through Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union

Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union has suspended Houseboat lending stating they are “at our policy concentration limit”. Very dissapointing news! In addition they state “Floating home loan program wil...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Buying A Houseboat, Housebarges, Houseboats in Seattle, Seattle Houseboat News

Lake Union Beat features Houseboat vs. Floating Homes

Lake Union Beat features  Houseboats vs. Floating Homes article by Special Agents Realty broker, Kevin Bagley in their premier issue. We are very excited to announce that Special Agents Realty has 2 prominent position...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Blog, Buying A Houseboat, Housebarges, Houseboats & Floating Homes, Houseboats in Seattle, Lake Union Real Estate News, Real Estate News, Seattle Floating Homes, Seattle Houseboat News, Seattle News, Seattle Real Estate News

Moods of the Lake 2

Moods of the Lake 2 Living in a houseboat allows you to feel the water, and you learn after a while that the lake has moods. Sometimes it is happy, sometimes it is sad, sometimes angry, sometimes mysterious, but it se...
Posted by: Linda Bagley
Categories: Blog, Buying A Houseboat, Houseboats & Floating Homes, Houseboats in Seattle, Lake Union Real Estate News, Listings, Seattle Floating Homes, Seattle Houseboat News, Seattle News, Seattle Real Estate News, Selling a Houseboat, Waterfront

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